zaterdag 19 maart 2011

Lauren Gallego Graffiti artist.

This morning I found a tweet (on Twitter, of course) about graffiti and that reminded me of a friend of my son, who became one of my foster children.
Lauren Gallego is a wonderful human being and a fantastic artist,  I think it's time to show some of his graffiti's right here.

He paints with sprays like they were minuscule one-haired brushes.
But then, he takes care of his sick mother and has to work in odd jobs.
Spain is nowadays not the place to be for young artists.  
So I decided to promote his work on this blog and would be grateful for spreading.

He should be recognized as a true artist.
The paintings are huge, leftover pieces of wood of building sites.

 Esta página va por ti Lauren!

©Gavi Mensch
Maastricht, 19-3-2011
Foto's ©Gavi Mensch 2007 all rights reserved


4 opmerkingen:

Lauren López zei

I believe your love, as always. One is what he does and how it does, so I hope to be doing well, very well and with love and effort in the world. Because passion is all that separates us, perseverance and determination. I know my limitations, but more than a handicap I consider my reasons to remain a good human being, a good artist and a good son. See you soon dear E.

Lauren López zei

Gavi Mensch zei

Olé mi niño, pasaré tus comentarios para que ven más de ti;-)) Besazo and a big hug!

Eva zei

very very nice!!! Me gusta!! Ahiiiii, que te echamos de menos Lauren, tantos proyectos se nos pasan por la cabeza...


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